Handy JavaScript/TypeScript libraries
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Handy JavaScript/TypeScript libraries
Database connection
- prisma: NodeJS ORM for popular databases
- mysql: MySQL Driver for NodeJS
- amqplib: NodeJS library for AMQP client
- date-fns: Toolset for Date manipulations
- date-fns-tz: TimeZone support for date-fns
- gray-matter: Front-matter parser from a string or file
- remark: Tool for transforming markdown into HTML with plugin support
- remark-gfm: Remark plugin with GitHub Flavored Markdown support
- netmask: IPv4 CIDR parser
- react-hook-form: Easy form handling
- clsx: className constructor utility
- react-icons: Collection of SVG icons for React
- react-markdown: React component to render a Markdown text
- react-syntax-highlighter: React component for Syntax Highlighting
System Tools
- npm-check: Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies
- tinycolor2: Small library for color manipulations
- js-cookie: Lightweight API for handling cookies in the browser
- downsample: Library to downsample a set without losing the visual characteristics of the data
- chalk: Terminal string styling
- ms: Library for time format conversions to milliseconds
- systeminformation: Lightweight collection of 50+ functions to retrieve detailed hardware, system and OS information
- jsonwebtoken: JSON implementation